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Riga 1: Riga 1:
Ignazio Argiolas, instructor and coach of the FIGC (Federazione Italiana Gioco Calcio, or Italian Federation of Soccer Game), proposed an initiative for the creation of an Academy Football club playing for the youth, Calcio.Lab. Our project in the juvenile area is to monitor, develop and promote excellence in the world of football through the training of the gesture group dynamics, in respect of sporting ethics (compliance with rules and roles). Each country, state, civil or cultural Association can promote this initiative, which is part of the international network of exchanges based on the sport of football (soccer).
Ignazio Argiolas, instructor and coach of the FIGC (Federazione Italiana Gioco Calcio, or Italian Federation of Soccer Game), proposes an initiative for the creation of a Football Academy for the youth, Calcio.Lab. Our project in the juvenile area is to monitor, develop and promote excellence in the world of football through the training of the gesture group dynamics, in respect of sporting ethics (compliance with rules and roles). Each country, state, civil or cultural Association can promote this initiative, which is part of the international network of exchanges based on the sport of football (soccer).
===Academy Football club Calcio.Lab===
===Academy Football club Calcio.Lab===
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Riga 45: Riga 45:
Order to allow for adequate Motor Activity of the proposed project is able to guarantee the principles of training: continuous, gradual and progressive, programming, specificity, multilateralism, frequency, stability and adaptability.
Order to allow for adequate Motor Activity of the proposed project is able to guarantee the principles of training: continuous, gradual and progressive, programming, specificity, multilateralism, frequency, stability and adaptability.
===Equipe di lavoro===  
===A skilled Team===  
Serve una Equipe di lavoro altamente specializzata:  
We need a team of highly skilled: technicians with technical-sports, Sports Science and Education Sciences, guaranteeing each team a chance to do physical activity at least three times a week;
tecnici con competenze tecnico-sportive, Scienze Motorie e Scienze dell’educazione, che garantiscano ad ogni gruppo di lavoro la possibilità di fare attività motoria almeno tre volte la settimana;  
**Ignazio Argiolas, Teacher at School Coaches FIGC
**Ignazio Argiolas, docente Scuola Allenatori F.I.G.C.
**Graduates / and in physical education and / or graduates (preferably ISEF) to locate in the area;
**laureati/e in scienze motorie e/o diplomati (preferibilmente Isef) da individuare nel territorio;
*figure professionali:  
**Graduates / and in Education and / or similar studies.
**laureati/e in Scienze dell’Educazione e/o studi similari.
All operators will be trained in the area.
Tutti gli operatori verranno formati nel territorio.
===Interventi educativo-motori===
===Educational and  Motor activity interventions===
Nel rispetto dei principi dell’allenamento e dell’auxologia riguardo alla fase biologica di ogni bambino in accrescimento, gli interventi educativo-motori devono interessare gruppi omogenei per età:
In accordance with the principles of training and auxology about the biological stage of every child growth, educational interventions in Motor activity must involve homogeneous groups by age: the incentives and training goals must be brought in accordance with the "sensitive periods". Proposals game will be presented in the form of exercises "multifunctional". Required applications in the field of youth, as the number of educational interventions in Motor activity in weekly microcycle does not allow to stimulate separately skills and abilities, negating the principle of frequency. Scanning of working days has at least three educational interventions in Motor activity weekly for each group, separated by at least one day of rest. Each educational intervention motor is divided into three stages:
gli stimoli e gli obiettivi allenamento devono essere proposti secondo le “fasi sensibili”.  
Le proposte gioco verranno presentate sotto forma di esercizi “polifunzionali”.
<li>the first goal with commissioning organic action and joint learning capacity-coordinative sense, with the game, always checking the successful acquisition of sensory-perceptual skills;
Applicazioni necessarie in ambito giovanile, poiché il numero degli interventi educativo-motori nel microciclo settimanale non permette di stimolare, separatamente, abilità e capacità, annullando il rispetto del principio della frequenza.
<li>the second, as well as improve coordination skills, with purpose to contribute more, always-game through the examples offered, improving muscle strength (speed strength);
La scansione dei giorni di lavoro prevede almeno tre interventi educativo-motori settimanali per ogni singolo gruppo, intervallati da almeno un giorno di riposo.
<li>the third moment is dedicated to the game-sport comparison, with the ball; additional games-playing, or alternatively to them: games with various brackets.
Ogni intervento educativo motorio è diviso in tre momenti:
<li> il primo con obiettivo la messa in azione organica e articolare per l’apprendimento delle capacità senso-coordinative ,con il gioco, sempre controllando l’avvenuta acquisizione delle capacità senso-percettive;
<li> il secondo, oltre ad affinare le capacità coordinative, con obiettivo di dare un maggior contributo, sempre attraverso gli esempi-gioco proposti, al miglioramento della forza muscolare (forza veloce);
<li> il terzo momento è dedicato al gioco-sport di confronto, con la palla; integrativi ai giochi-partita o, alternativamente ad essi: giochi con staffette varie.
Verranno fatti test motori in entrata e in uscita.
Motor activities will tested incoming and outgoing.
===Metodologia Agile===
E' il metodo adottato nel [ Progetto Argiolas per la Terza Età (Sardegna)]. <font color="green">'''Si può utilizzare in qualunque tipo di azione sociale.'''</font><br>
Il progetto Calcio.Lab nasce con un suo proprio “carattere” che viene proposto a chi sostiene e partecipa al progetto. Potremmo anche definire questo carattere come il “metodo” del progetto, la sua genetica propulsiva. Per fare una metafora di stampo naturalistico diciamo che il progetto è come un seme che ha un suo DNA che gli permette di radicarsi nel terreno adatto ed evolvere. Deve anche possedere risorse minime ma sufficienti per mettere le prime radichette e le prime foglioline. In termini operativi queste risorse minime di base sono persone che agiscono in modo professionale raccogliendo altre persone e risorse. Questa “raccolta” avviene attraverso metodi partecipativi come i Focus Group dove, a differenza di inserimenti singoli ottenuti via intervista, ogni elemento si relaziona subito con gli altri elementi con i quali dovrà lavorare nei gruppi di lavoro tematici che si andranno poi a costituire.
====Il Prototipo====
I vari gruppi di lavoro costituiti attraverso i Focus Group mirano a costruire localmente un prototipo di intervento sociale sperimentale ed autofinanziantesi [in termini ragionevoli]. Ogni prototipo verrà opportunamente inserito nel suo contesto ambientale attraverso un processo di “localizzazione”. I gruppi non mirano a proporre soluzioni generali, ma a costruire una piattaforma di opzioni e di costruzione culturale di prototipi personalizzabili. In breve una piattaforma di modelli integrati di intervento a favore degli anziani basati su prototipi decentrati, autosufficienti, personalizzabili, flessibili, sperimentalmente testati, in grado di crescere e svilupparsi nel “proprio” territorio. Per questo è importante che le esperienze di costruzione e di assistenza sui prototipi siano aperte e condivisibile come nel modello Open Source.
====La piattaforma wiki del progetto====
===Agile Metodology===
Le caratteristiche, le specificità ambientali, lo stato dell'arte dei prototipi verranno pubblicate e mantenute su web su una piattaforma wiki (cioè esattamente simile a wikipedia). La piattaforma wiki serve per le modifiche condivise, gli aggiustamenti, le informazioni, le discussioni, la sincronizzazione dei prototipi come nel caso Software Open Source. Questo facilita la conoscenza estesa del progetto e la partecipazione di nuovi membri. Trattandosi di progetti localizzati la piattaforma wiki non sostituisce gli incontri diretti come itavoli di pianificazione, i Focus Group, le interviste discorsive, le sessioni di lavoro, la organizzazione di attività sociali concrete. I compiti di segreteria e di coordinamento vengono quindi semplificati e accentrati dalla/e figure che editano la piattaforma wiki del progetto. Il coordinatore del progetto è dunque l'editor del wiki. L'editor fornisce coordinamento e consulenza 24/7 sia agli elementi coinvolti sia a potenziali “sviluppatori”. Poiché i “clienti” del progetto [gli anziani] sono anche i suoi “sviluppatori” tale trasparenza è un ulteriore forte motivo di partecipazione e coinvolgimento.
It 's the [ approach adopted in the software]. <font color="green">'''It can be used in any type of social action.'''</font>
====Metodologie di tipo Agile====
The project Calcio.Lab comes with its own "character" that is presented to those who support and participate in the project. We could also define this character as the "method" of the project, its genetics driving. To make a metaphor for mold naturalistic say that the project is like a seed that has its own DNA that allows it to take root in the right soil and evolve. Must also possess a minimum of resources but enough to put the first rootlets and the first leaves. In operational terms, these resources are basic minimum persons acting in a professional manner by collecting other people and resources. This "collection" is through participatory methods such as focus groups where, unlike individual entries obtained via interview, every aspect is related immediately to the other elements with which he must work in the thematic working groups which will then make up.
Come nei progetti software, e ora anche hardware, si adottano metodologie distinte da quelle sequenziali [“a cascata”]. Le varie fasi del progetto si intersecano secondo le esigenze contestuali, come avviene sempre nei casi reali. E' richiesta una forte partecipazione dei “clienti” sin dalla fase progettuale e un costante feedback a grana fine. Le fasi principali che si intrecciano sono:
====The Prototype====
*disegno del prototipo
The various working groups set up by the Focus Group are aimed at building a local prototype of social intervention and experimental autofinanziantesi [in a reasonable time]. Each prototype will be properly inserted in its environment through a process of "localization". The groups did not aim to propose general solutions, but to build a platform of options and cultural construction of prototypes customizable. In short, a platform of integrated models of intervention for the young sportmen based on prototypes decentralized, self-sufficient, customizable, flexible, experimentally tested, able to grow and develop in "their" territory. For this reason it is important that the experience of building and assistance on the prototypes are open and shared as in the Open Source model.
*test e sperimentazione
*sviluppo e integrazione tra moduli e con altri progetti
====The project wiki platform====
*personalizzazione, manutenzione, localizzazione
The characteristics, specific, environmental, state of the art of prototypes will be posted and maintained on the web on a wiki platform (ie exactly like wikipedia). The wiki platform is shared for changes, adjustments, information, threads, synchronization of prototypes such as Open Source Software. This facilitates extensive knowledge of the project and the participation of new members. Being localized projects the wiki platform does not replace face to face meetings as itavoli of planning, focus groups, interviews patterns, work sessions, the organization of social activities concrete. Its secretariat and coordination are then simplified and centralized by people who edit the wiki platform for the project. The coordinator of the project is the editor of the wiki. The editor provides coordination and consultation 24/7 and the matters involved both potential "developers." Since the "clients" of the project [the elderly] are his "developers" such transparency is another major cause of participation and involvement.
E' importante discutere e decidere sul ciclo di vita del servizio-progetto. In altre parole va garantita sin dal disegno del prototipo una manutenzione e sviluppo del progetto che copra l'intero ciclo di vita dello stesso.
Per saperne di più e trovare abbondante bibliografia e sitografia vedi su wikipedia [ Metodologie Agile]
====Project steps====
====Rapporti con le Istituzioni====
As in software projects, and now hardware, methodologies adopt distinct from those sequential ['cascade']. The various phases of the project intersect according to the needs Contextual, as always happens in real cases. It 'requires a strong participation of' customers' upfront constant feedback and fine-grained. The main steps that intertwine are:
Alle istituzioni viene offerto in primis la trasparenza del progetto e del suo stato dell'arte. La possibilità di intervenire nel progetto in qualunque momento attraverso l'editor del wiki. La presa in visione finale non di astratti suggerimenti ma di prototipi funzionanti.
*prototype design
====La Comunità====
*testing and experimentation
Come nei progetti Open Source si costruisce così una “Comunità” di utenti e sviluppatori dove le distinzioni tra le varie competenze, ruoli, professionalità, obiettivi trovAno integrazione sinergica senza evitare conflitti e discussioni.
*development and integration between modules and with other projects
*customization, maintenance, localization
It 'important to discuss and decide on the life cycle of the service-project. In other words, should be guaranteed since the design of the prototype development and maintenance of the project covering the entire life cycle of the same. Learn more and find lists of websites and see plenty of references on wikipedia Agile Methodologies
====Relations with Institutions====
Institutions is offered in the first place the transparency of the project and its state of the art. The possibility of intervening in the project at any time through the editor of the wiki. Taking final vision of abstract suggestions but working prototypes.
As in the open-source projects builds a "community" of users and developers where the distinctions between the various competencies, roles, skills, goals are synergistic integration without avoiding conflicts and discussions.
Per indirizzi email e approfondimenti sul calcio vedi il sito mantenuto da Ignazio Argiolas:
Email address and Soccer studies by Ignazio Argiolas can be found here:
*[ Calciallenando]
*[ Calciallenando]
*[ Project Word English Version]
*[ Versione del Progetto Word Italiano]

Versione attuale delle 08:45, 9 apr 2013

Ignazio Argiolas, instructor and coach of the FIGC (Federazione Italiana Gioco Calcio, or Italian Federation of Soccer Game), proposes an initiative for the creation of a Football Academy for the youth, Calcio.Lab. Our project in the juvenile area is to monitor, develop and promote excellence in the world of football through the training of the gesture group dynamics, in respect of sporting ethics (compliance with rules and roles). Each country, state, civil or cultural Association can promote this initiative, which is part of the international network of exchanges based on the sport of football (soccer).


Academy Football club Calcio.Lab

Academy Football club Calcio.Lab

Process of construction of the project

The start up of a Football Association Youth Academy "Calcio.Lab" is to be welcomed in all its components: sporting, social and cultural rights. The College Football Association to be born as a reference point for the resolution of problems related to the world of young people, or adults who want to enjoy the sport. To achieve these results, you need to create a structure that is able to study and develop all the issues that are part of the sporting world from the children, who then become teenagers and adults tomorrow. At least four interactions of this Academy Football Association:

  • Basic physical education for young people;
  • synergies between:
    • sports clubs,
    • school,
    • families,
    • health education, food education;
  • study center:
    • database,
    • production of teaching materials,
    • website,
    • point of reference for all sports teams and schools of the territory;
  • training coaches.

The chapter "physical education of youth" is in line with the educational discourse in primary schools. Growth and prospects are proportional to the objectives of the project. The chapter on "health education, food education of the young" to develop a health promotion in countries where the project develops, is in tune with the government guidelines for most food problems. The need for a Study Centre active is necessary to create a link, even with the presence of an external technical expert, amongst the national sports clubs, school and family. With the chapter "training", you have the ability to train coaches with technical guidance and methodological cutting edge locally throughout the country.


The benefits are for everyone:

  • the project will become an example and a showcase for all athletes and for those football in particular,
  • families, young adults and athletes have a valid point of reference;
  • coaches will have a training uniform throughout;
  • the organization of courses for coaches will have as reference point, the seat of the Centro Studi;
  • sports clubs in the country that hosts the project will also have a collaboration with clubs in other countries and do a twinning;
  • major sports events in the territory with a benefit and economic contribution;
  • government circles have the advantage of enhancing the contents of a sports policy and social empowerment both strong and competitive


For the planning and execution of the movement, the first thing to note is the use of all functions, including perception, in which the child has the opportunity to make the drive to which you possess. To be sure you get the appropriate results to the efforts to propose measures aimed targets, the project proposes a schedule of balance activity to follow. This table defines the indexes do not neglect to work with seriousness and results fit with the technical guidance of the Football Association Youth Academy Calcio.Lab through physical activity:

  • a first analysis with data collection (school environment, family, group, class and individual);
  • choice of the aims of the educational mobility;
    • general objectives in the long term
    • specific objectives in the short and medium term;
  • choice of methods to be used in the educational process;
  • choice of resources needed to carry out educational activities;
  • final evaluation.

Order to allow for adequate Motor Activity of the proposed project is able to guarantee the principles of training: continuous, gradual and progressive, programming, specificity, multilateralism, frequency, stability and adaptability.

A skilled Team

We need a team of highly skilled: technicians with technical-sports, Sports Science and Education Sciences, guaranteeing each team a chance to do physical activity at least three times a week;

  • coordinator:
    • Ignazio Argiolas, Teacher at School Coaches FIGC
  • instructors:
    • Graduates / and in physical education and / or graduates (preferably ISEF) to locate in the area;
  • professionals:
    • Graduates / and in Education and / or similar studies.

All operators will be trained in the area.

Educational and Motor activity interventions

In accordance with the principles of training and auxology about the biological stage of every child growth, educational interventions in Motor activity must involve homogeneous groups by age: the incentives and training goals must be brought in accordance with the "sensitive periods". Proposals game will be presented in the form of exercises "multifunctional". Required applications in the field of youth, as the number of educational interventions in Motor activity in weekly microcycle does not allow to stimulate separately skills and abilities, negating the principle of frequency. Scanning of working days has at least three educational interventions in Motor activity weekly for each group, separated by at least one day of rest. Each educational intervention motor is divided into three stages:

  1. the first goal with commissioning organic action and joint learning capacity-coordinative sense, with the game, always checking the successful acquisition of sensory-perceptual skills;
  2. the second, as well as improve coordination skills, with purpose to contribute more, always-game through the examples offered, improving muscle strength (speed strength);
  3. the third moment is dedicated to the game-sport comparison, with the ball; additional games-playing, or alternatively to them: games with various brackets.

Motor activities will tested incoming and outgoing.

Agile Metodology

It 's the approach adopted in the software. It can be used in any type of social action. The project Calcio.Lab comes with its own "character" that is presented to those who support and participate in the project. We could also define this character as the "method" of the project, its genetics driving. To make a metaphor for mold naturalistic say that the project is like a seed that has its own DNA that allows it to take root in the right soil and evolve. Must also possess a minimum of resources but enough to put the first rootlets and the first leaves. In operational terms, these resources are basic minimum persons acting in a professional manner by collecting other people and resources. This "collection" is through participatory methods such as focus groups where, unlike individual entries obtained via interview, every aspect is related immediately to the other elements with which he must work in the thematic working groups which will then make up.

The Prototype

The various working groups set up by the Focus Group are aimed at building a local prototype of social intervention and experimental autofinanziantesi [in a reasonable time]. Each prototype will be properly inserted in its environment through a process of "localization". The groups did not aim to propose general solutions, but to build a platform of options and cultural construction of prototypes customizable. In short, a platform of integrated models of intervention for the young sportmen based on prototypes decentralized, self-sufficient, customizable, flexible, experimentally tested, able to grow and develop in "their" territory. For this reason it is important that the experience of building and assistance on the prototypes are open and shared as in the Open Source model.

The project wiki platform

The characteristics, specific, environmental, state of the art of prototypes will be posted and maintained on the web on a wiki platform (ie exactly like wikipedia). The wiki platform is shared for changes, adjustments, information, threads, synchronization of prototypes such as Open Source Software. This facilitates extensive knowledge of the project and the participation of new members. Being localized projects the wiki platform does not replace face to face meetings as itavoli of planning, focus groups, interviews patterns, work sessions, the organization of social activities concrete. Its secretariat and coordination are then simplified and centralized by people who edit the wiki platform for the project. The coordinator of the project is the editor of the wiki. The editor provides coordination and consultation 24/7 and the matters involved both potential "developers." Since the "clients" of the project [the elderly] are his "developers" such transparency is another major cause of participation and involvement.

Project steps

As in software projects, and now hardware, methodologies adopt distinct from those sequential ['cascade']. The various phases of the project intersect according to the needs Contextual, as always happens in real cases. It 'requires a strong participation of' customers' upfront constant feedback and fine-grained. The main steps that intertwine are:

  • prototype design
  • testing and experimentation
  • development and integration between modules and with other projects
  • customization, maintenance, localization

It 'important to discuss and decide on the life cycle of the service-project. In other words, should be guaranteed since the design of the prototype development and maintenance of the project covering the entire life cycle of the same. Learn more and find lists of websites and see plenty of references on wikipedia Agile Methodologies

Relations with Institutions

Institutions is offered in the first place the transparency of the project and its state of the art. The possibility of intervening in the project at any time through the editor of the wiki. Taking final vision of abstract suggestions but working prototypes.


As in the open-source projects builds a "community" of users and developers where the distinctions between the various competencies, roles, skills, goals are synergistic integration without avoiding conflicts and discussions.


Email address and Soccer studies by Ignazio Argiolas can be found here:

Strumenti personali